当前位置: 首页 > 股票资讯 >限制性股票/期权/认股权证的区别和税务问题(金融英语No.32)


2023-05-10 14:56:27

restricted stock是限售股还是限制性股票?期权和认股权证的区别?员工持股计划中的限制性股票和股票期权哪个好(个税怎么交)?(曾写过一篇,此篇为修改版,提供翻译,更详尽。)




 The Company has reserved [__________] shares of Common Stock for issuance to officers, directors, employees and consultants of the Company pursuant to its [Plan Year] Stock [Option] Plan duly adopted by the Board of Directors and approved by the Company stockholders (the “Stock Plan”).  Of such reserved shares of Common Stock, [__________] shares have been issued pursuant to restricted stock purchase agreements, options to purchase [__________] shares have been granted and are currently outstanding, and [__________] shares of Common Stock remain available for issuance to officers, directors, employees and consultants pursuant to the Stock Plan.  The Company has furnished to the Purchasers complete and accurate copies of the Stock Plan and forms of agreements used thereunder.



公司已保留[__] 股普通股,用于按照经公司董事会正式通过和股东会批准的[计划年份]股票[期权]计划向公司高级管理人员、董事、员工和顾问发行普通股(以下简称“持股计划”) 。在上述保留的普通股中,[__] 股已按照限制性股票购买协议发行,购买[__] 股的期权已授予且当前尚未行权,仍有[__]股普通股可用于按照持股计划向公司、高级管理人员、董事、员工和顾问发行。公司已向购买人提供完整、准确的持股计划复印件及据此所使用的协议格式复印件。



1、Stock Plan 持股计划

源于员工持股计划(Employee Stock Ownership Plan,ESOP)

Stock Plan翻译为“股份计划”,并不能体现以上含义,所以翻为“持股计划”比较恰当。

2、outstanding options 尚未行权的期权

outstanding shares 发行在外的股票


3、restricted stock是限售股还是限制性股票?



(Wikipedia)Restricted stock(限制性股票), also known as letter stock, refers to stock of a company that is not fully transferable (from the stock-issuing company to the person receiving the stock award) until certain conditions (restrictions) have been met. Upon satisfaction of those conditions, the stock is no longer restricted, and becomes transferable to the person holding the award. Restricted stock is often used as a form of employee compensation, in which case it typically becomes transferrable ("vests")(兑现) upon the satisfaction of certain conditions, such as continued employment for a period of time or the achievement of particular product-development milestones, earnings per share goals or other financial targets. Restricted stock is a popular alternative to stock options, particularly for executives, due to favorable accounting rules and income tax treatment. (简而言之,限制性股票和期权一样,可以用于员工持股计划。公司授予你限制性股票,在一段禁售期间满足公司的要求后,就可以兑现给你,股票就真正属于你了。

restricted stock要区别于豁免登记而不可转让的restricted securities


"Restricted" securities are securities acquired in an unregistered, private sale from the issuing company or from an affiliate of the issuer. They typically bear a “restrictive” legend clearly stating that you may not resell them in the public marketplace unless the sale is exempt from the SEC’s registration requirements.

Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933 provides the most commonly used exemption for holders to sell restricted securities. To take advantage of this rule, you must meet several conditions, including a six-month or one-year holding period.


(Investopedia)A stock warrant is just like a stock option because it gives you the right to purchase a company's stock at a specific price and at a specific date. However, a stock warrant differs from an option in two key ways:

1.A stock warrant is issued by the company itself

2.New shares are issued by the company for the transaction. Unlike a stock option, a stock warrant is issued directly by the company. When a stock option is exercised, the shares usually are received or given by one investor to another; when a stock warrant is exercised, the shares that fulfill the obligation are not received from another investor, but directly from the company.

Companies issue stock warrants to raise money. When stock options are bought and sold, the company that owns the stocks does not receive any money from the transactions. However, a stock warrant is a way for a company to raise money through equity (stocks). A stock warrant is a smart way to own shares of a company because a warrant usually is offered at a price lower than that of a stock option. The longest term for an option is two to three years, while a stock warrant can last for up to 15 years. So, in many cases, a stock warrant can prove to be a better investment than a stock option if mid- to long-term investments are what you seek.  








假设国有控股上市公司于2016年1月授予A员工期权,工作一年后(2017年1月) 可行权,行权的两年后方可出售,A员工在2018年2月行权,2021年3月出售。

授予日是2016年1月,可行权日是2017年1月;行权日是A真正进行行权的日子,即2018年2月, 禁售期是2018年2月-2020年2月,出售日是2021年3月。(注:国有控股上市公司的禁售期不得低于两年。)
















期权个人所得税=(20000/10× 10%-105)×10=950(元)









(Wikipedia)Under Section 83 of the Internal Revenue Code, the value of property transferred in connection with the performance of services is included in gross income, and is recognized as such on the date on which the property is no longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, or the date on which the property becomes transferable, whichever is earlier. In the case of restricted stock, the former date is generally known as the "vesting date" and is the date when the employee recognizes income for tax purposes (assuming that the restricted stock is not transferable at an earlier date, which is how employers generally structure their restricted stock awards). Employees pay income tax on the value of the restricted stock in the year in which it vests, and then pay capital gains tax on any subsequent appreciation or depreciation in the value of the restricted stock in the year in which it is sold.

A grantee of restricted stock may make an "83(b) election" to recognize the income from the restricted stock grant based on the fair market value of the restricted stock at the time of the grant, rather than at the time of vesting. This is often desirable to minimize income tax liability when the restricted stock is granted at a very low value, but is risky in that the tax paid on the stock award is non-refundable even if the stock does not ultimately vest.

以上, 美国在限制性股票的个人所得税处理方式是。兑现日交个人所得税,出售日也要交资本利得税。但是,美国税法可以让被授予人在授予日就交税,授予日的股价更低,意味着只要不出售股份,所交的个人所得税更低,但是在行权日前离开公司而不能行权的话,是不退税的,白交税了。)


《股权转让所得个人所得税管理办法 (试行)》

  第四条 个人转让股权,以股权转让收入减除股权原值和合理费用后的余额为应纳税所得额,按“财产转让所得”缴纳个人所得税。


  第三十条 个人在上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所转让从上市公司公开发行和转让市场取得的上市公司股票,转让限售股,以及其他有特别规定的股权转让,不适用本办法。





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