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2023-05-10 14:56:27





1.Financing for the renovation of Fir City's municipal park, begun and completed during Year 1, came from the following sources:

Grant from state government                 400,000

Proceeds from general obligation bond issue 500,000

Transfer from Fir's general fund            100,000

In its Year 1 capital projects fund operating statement, Fir should report these amounts as:

Revenues     Other Financing Sources

a. $0               $1,000,000

b. $400,000           $600,000

c. $900,000           $100,000

d. $1,000,000               $0


2.Receipts from a special tax levy to retire and pay interest on general obligation bonds should be recorded in which fund?

a. General.

b. Debt service.

c. Capital projects.

d. Special revenue.


3.Chase City uses an internal service fund for its central motor pool. The assets and liabilities account balances for this fund that are not eliminated normally should be reported in the government-wide statement of net position as:

a. Business-type activities.

b. Fiduciary activities.

c. Note disclosures only.

d. Governmental activities.




1.Financing for the renovation of Fir City's municipal park, begun and completed during Year 1, came from the following sources:

Grant from state government                 400,000

Proceeds from general obligation bond issue 500,000

Transfer from Fir's general fund            100,000

In its Year 1 capital projects fund operating statement, Fir should report these amounts as:

Revenues     Other Financing Sources

a. $0               $1,000,000

b. $400,000           $600,000

c. $900,000           $100,000

d. $1,000,000               $0



Choice "b" is correct. The $400,000 state government grant would be considered revenue of the capital projects fund. The $500,000 proceeds from the general obligation bonds and the $100,000 transfer from general fund (total $600,000) would be other financing sources of the capital projects fund.

Choice "d" is incorrect. The $500,000 proceeds from bonds and the $100,000 transfer from general fund would be other financing sources of the capital projects fund, not revenue.

Choice "c" is incorrect. The $500,000 proceeds from bonds would be other financing sources of the capital projects fund, not revenue.

Choice "a" is incorrect. The $400,000 state government grant would be revenue of the capital projects fund, not other financing sources.


2.Receipts from a special tax levy to retire and pay interest on general obligation bonds should be recorded in which fund?

a. General.

b. Debt service.

c. Capital projects.

d. Special revenue.



Choice "b" is correct. The debt service fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. A special tax levy exclusively restricted for debt repayment would be most appropriately accounted for in a debt service fund.

Choice "a" is incorrect. The general fund accounts for all the financial resources of the governmental entity, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Resources collected to pay principal and/or interest on general obligation bonds are usually required to be accounted for in a debt service fund.

Choice "c" is incorrect. The capital projects fund accounts for the financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities not accounted for in proprietary or trust funds. Resources collected to pay principal and/or interest on general obligation bonds are generally accounted for in a debt service fund.

Choice "d" is incorrect. The special revenue fund accounts for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. Although receipts from a special tax levy would usually be accounted for in a special revenue fund, since the receipts are earmarked for interest payments on general obligation bonds, debt service fund is more appropriate.


3.Chase City uses an internal service fund for its central motor pool. The assets and liabilities account balances for this fund that are not eliminated normally should be reported in the government-wide statement of net position as:

a. Business-type activities.

b. Fiduciary activities.

c. Note disclosures only.

d. Governmental activities.



Choice "d" is correct. For purposes of government-wide financial statements, internal service funds are normally reported in the governmental activities column of the government-wide Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities since they are generally established to service the governmental funds.

Choice "a" is incorrect. Internal services funds would not normally be reported in the business-type activities column of the government-wide financial statements even though they are proprietary funds. Usually the enterprise funds are exclusively reported in the business-type activities column since the internal service funds are established to service the governmental funds.

Choice "b" is incorrect. Fiduciary activities are not reported in the government-wide financial statements. Internal service funds are normally reported as governmental activities.

Choice "c" is incorrect. Exclusion of internal service fund activities from government-wide financial statement except for note disclosures is not appropriate. Internal service funds are reported as governmental activities.






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